Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tests and Italy

This is my first blog. I got the idea from a Neurologist here at UAB, Dr. Sung, who has been leading a required Neurology small group. I feel it is a great way for family and friends to know what is going on in my life. We will see how it goes and how much I actually decide to keep up with it. I usually have a good bit of time in the morning to write, so maybe I will do it then.

So I am supposed to be leaving for Italy a week from today and I still haven't had the chance to get excited about it at all. Maybe it is the fact that between this past Friday and the day I leave for Italy I will have had 4 tests and 2 physical examination practicals. I have one more week until I leave and of those six tests I have two take home tests and one computerized test due. Pretty stressful stuff. I know I will get through it and the trip to Italy will be awesome, but it's not fun looking ahead to the following week.

One thing that is incredibly amazing about medical school is how everything goes SOOOO FAST! It is already Thursday and I feel like it is Monday or Tuesday. Feels like we just started Neurology, but we are in our 4th week out of 9 now. I registered for the First Step of my USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examinations). Kinda feels weird that this goes into my actual practicing license. I will take that in April, and I am sure that will feel like two weeks from now once it is here.

"If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless."--James 1:not sure

Maybe there is a reason God put the most dangerous organ of our body behind a cage of teeth and behind tight lips. Goal for today: Learn to shut my mouth while I am playing basketball, especially since it is church league.

1 comment:

  1. James 1:26 working on v. 19 myself. lol -a :)
